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Sleep and Cannabis

    I ate too many THC infused cookies one evening, ate all the mint chocolate chip ice cream, and slept for 14 hours. I wouldn’t recommend a person do this to that extreme. My point is… THC is very effective for quality sleep. An indicia dominant oil is most effective. CBN also has sedative properties.  

    CBN and THC used separately are effective for quality sleep. THC combined with CBN can yield very good results also and is recommended to achieve maximum results. There are many variables when considering the correct amount of each cannabinoid to take. For example anxiety can affect sleep differently than pain. Variables should be carefully considered when choosing the correct protocol. 


An Effective Starting Point For Managing Sleep


THC/CBN combined: 5mgs THC/ 2.5mgs CBN just before bed. Start with this amount and double the dose each night until quality sleep is achieved. Each person’s tolerance level is different. This is why we start conservatively and increase in small amounts.


THC: 5mgs just before bed. Start with this amount and double the dose each night until quality sleep is achieved. Each person’s tolerance level is different.


CBN: 10mgs just before bed. Start with this amount and double the dose each night until quality sleep is achieved. Each person’s tolerance level is different. CBN has very little psychoactive properties.  

These statements have not been approved by the FDA. We do not claim to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or health condition

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