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Anxiety and Cannabis



    It took me years to understand how THC and CBD worked on Anxiety. Through my personal experience, observation of patients, research, and intuition I’ve come to the following conclusion. The neuro-receptors in the brain become inflamed (agitated, stressed). When the neuro-receptors become inflamed they cannot focus on performing their proper job which is to accept the correct amount of serotonin and dopamine into those neuro-receptors. Instead, they are focusing on bringing the inflammation down, then they can focus on their proper job and do it well. In my opinion, what CBD and THC do is assist in bringing the inflammation down, therefore the receptors can relax and focus on performing their proper job. The result of receiving the correct amount of serotonin and dopamine is an overall sense of well being along with a significant decrease of anxiety. 

24 Hour Protocol Of CBD And THC


- Waking up: 50mgs of Full Spectrum CBD


- 1-2 pm: 50mgs of Full Spectrum CBD


- 5-6 pm: 5mgs of Full Spectrum THC (very low amount), (optional) 50mgs of Full Spectrum CBD


These statements are not approved by the FDA. We do not claim to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition.

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