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Cannabis Doesn't Heal...

I've had to come to this conclusion through observation. You can find truth through observation. There was a clue that came upon me years ago while having a conversation with a Natural Medicine Practitioner. The word homeostasis kept coming up. I acted like I was following in the conversation, but I wasn't. I caught on as the conversation progressed. As I interpreted it I came up with this visual/definition. The natural balance in nature, a default setting. Nature wants to go back into balance. We see it all the time. We are no exception to this. We are nature and have complex systems working as we exist. Those systems want to be balanced and work properly. They want to be in a state of homeostasis. 

We can observe experience after experience that our systems go back into balance with time (nutrients, rest, passing of time). Three everyday experiences to back this fact up. When a person physically works hard and is sore after. With time (nutrients, rest, passing of time), the soreness dissipates or becomes less. When we drink too much alcohol, we are "hungover" the next day. Eventually the body and mind balance themselves back out. When a person has a cold, the body and mind react. The person eventually goes back into a balanced state after days... Until the next imbalance and so on. 

What I've observed cannabis do is to ease the stress, agitation, inflammation. When a system of the body or mind can relax and focus on doing its proper job, it can reach a balanced state or homeostasis. Cannabis is a facilitator, a helper, a manager. Another good example of this working is in the Anxiety section. Cannabis brings the inflammation down, the agitation, the stress. The neuro receptors can relax and work efficiently and effectively. Do clean work. Accept the chemicals that our body is naturally producing to manage anxiety or stress loads.

The jury is out on cannabis killing cancer cells. One theory is that the Cannabinoids isolate cancer cells and starve them of food and resources, therefore they die. I would have to propose, maybe the cannabis oil doesn't do that. What it does is allow the systems fighting the cancer to work more efficiently and effectively because the cannabis has brought the stress, inflammation, agitation down in those systems. The prestigious doctors and scientists basically say, "Well, we aren't quite sure how it works, but it works."

I came to these thoughts and theories by realizing three things.

Almost all conditions and symptoms are caused by inflammation. 

The body and mind want to go back into its balanced state, homeostasis.

One of the cannabis plant's strongest and main properties is that it is anti-inflammatory.

Cannabis doesn't heal...

What a sophisticated, magical plant it is...


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